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LDS Sexual Abuse Lawsuits May Not See JPML Due To Upcoming Mediation
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Sexual Abuse Lawsuits, which accuse the church of not reporting sexual abuse to authorities in “a pervasive…What to Expect From a Sexual Assault Civil Lawsuit
Who Can I Sue for a Premises Liability Sexual Assault Case?
How to Sue for Emotional Distress After Being Sexually Assaulted
What to Know About Sexual Assault Lawsuits
Who can be a victim of sexual assault
Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual act done to a person without their full permission. It hurts people’s bodies, minds, and feelings. Some people think…Defining sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment
Sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment are all violations of a person’s right to bodily autonomy. These are distinct actions, though, and it’s important to know…Child Sex Abuse Statistics
Child sexual abuse is a serious problem in the United States. Many children experience it, but it often stays hidden. Families, schools, and communities can…Understanding PTSD in Sexual Assault Survivors
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is so common among survivors of sexual assault that you cannot truly understand one without the other. When you are trying…Causes of PTSD: Sexual violence
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the many devastating outcomes of sexual violence. The connection makes total sense, as sexual violence is both stressful…